Ghani Field

The Ghani Field was discovered in 1972 in the western Sirte Basin with estimated oil reserves of half billion barrels. The Ghani Farrud oil reservoir was discovered in January 1978, while the Ghani main station was built and began operation in 1980.

The main reservoirs include the Farrud (sweet crude) and the Gir/Facha reservoirs (sour crude). The EdDib Field is located just east of the Ghani Field and offers significant (sour crude) development potential.

The Ghani main station is a sweet oil processing facility consisting of separation, treating, desalting, storage and shipping.

The nominal capacity of the station is 74,000 barrels of oil per day. Facilities are also available for producing diesel fuel, dry fuel gas, potable water treatment and electric power generation.

see also: Jofra Field

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